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Payment Methods

Standard ACH
Standard processing times.

Same Day ACH
Expedite your payments.

Instant Payments
Transfers in near real-time.


Digital Wallet
Initiate faster transactions by utilizing Dwolla's Digital Wallet to hold funds.

Dwolla Dashboard
Access and manage your payments data through our user-friendly interface.

Mass Pay
Send multiple bank transfers with a single API request.

Real-time notifications.

Correlation IDs
Tracking transactions and reconciling bank records.

Addenda Records
Additional transaction information, like a note or memo.


Open Banking Services
Instant account verification, balance checks and fraud mitigation.

Digital interactions result in unique identifiers.

Bank Verification
Smoother, safer, more efficient transactions.

Secure Exchange Solution
Securely exchange data with trusted partners.


Sandbox Environment
Simulate use cases and try out features.

Dedicated Support
Supporting your payments journey.

13 min read

Digital Transformation: Everything Suppliers Need to Know

Digital transformation is the strategic integration of digital technologies and processes into all aspects of an organization. It goes beyond the adoption of individual technologies and encompasses a holistic change in the way a business operates, serves its customers and remains competitive. Digital transformation can enhance efficiency, innovation and competitiveness. It allows businesses to automate operations, streamline workflows and gain real-time insights from data, thereby improving decision-making and customer experiences. This enables businesses to respond rapidly to market changes and customer demands, driving growth and success. These are benefits for the business undergoing digital transformation, but how does digital transformation impact that business’s suppliers?

When their enterprise customers undergo a digital transformation, suppliers face multiple risks. The digitization of business processes can introduce heightened competition, with more suppliers vying for the same customers. Price transparency and the ease of comparing options online may squeeze profit margins. Changes in customer behavior, driven by digital expectations, can necessitate costly adaptations. Enterprises’ increased operational efficiency, often achieved through automation, may leave less efficient suppliers at a disadvantage. Suppliers must also cope with the risk of disintermediation as digital platforms reshape supply chains, removing middle men. Additionally, cybersecurity concerns and dependence on specific tech platforms might drive the requirement for digital investment on the supplier side. Suppliers must adapt and innovate to thrive in the digital transformation era, or they risk being left behind.

In this blog, we’ll discuss:

The Shift from Analog to Digital Channels
  • Digital Transformation and Buyer Workflows
  • The Risks for Suppliers
  • Strategies for Suppliers
  • Embracing Digital Transformation


The Shift from Analog to Digital Channels

Historically, supply chain management relied on traditional, non-digital methods for communication, order processing, inventory management and distribution. These might include paper-based purchase orders, physical invoices, face-to-face meetings and manual tracking of goods in transit. These analog channels were the backbone of supply chain operations for many years, providing a tangible and often slower means of managing the flow of goods and information.

Digital channels, driven by technological advancements, are replacing analog methods within supply chains. This transition is evident in several ways. First, digital supply chain platforms and electronic data interchange (EDI) systems enable automated order processing, reducing the need for manual paperwork and improving accuracy. Second, digital tools like RFID and IoT sensors provide real-time visibility into inventory and shipment status, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual tracking errors. Third, cloud-based solutions and collaboration software streamline communication and information sharing among supply chain partners, replacing the need for physical meetings and handwritten notes. Most recently, e-commerce and online marketplaces have expanded the reach of suppliers, connecting them to a global customer base more effectively than traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores.

Click the timeline below to see an overview of the shift from analog to digital channels in supply chain management:

While analog channels still persist in some industries and regions where regulatory requirements or access to technology hinder adoption of digital channels, the advantages of digital technology are driving a shift towards a more streamlined and data-driven digital supply chain ecosystem.

These analog channels that were once ubiquitous in supply chain management have now been largely replaced by digital alternatives:

Paper Invoices and Purchase Orders: Traditional paper-based invoices and purchase orders are being replaced by digital documents and electronic data interchange (EDI) systems, allowing for faster processing and reduced errors in supply chain transactions.

Manual Inventory Tracking: Analog inventory tracking using spreadsheets or manual counts is transitioning to digital solutions such as RFID technology and barcode scanners, enabling real-time monitoring and accuracy in inventory management.

Manual Order Processing: The manual processing of orders, which involves paperwork and phone or fax orders, is being replaced by digital order management systems, streamlining the ordering process and reducing delays.

Physical Warehousing Records: Traditional paper records for warehouse management are being replaced by digital warehouse management systems (WMS), which provide better visibility and control over inventory and logistics.

Manual Shipment Tracking: Tracking shipments manually using paper logs or phone communication is being replaced by digital shipment tracking systems and IoT devices, allowing for real-time location updates and improved supply chain visibility.

As digital channels become more widely used, businesses on the buying side of the transaction begin to expect or even require them.

Digital Transformation and Buyer Workflows

Digital transformation impacts a business’s procurement and buying workflows by making them more efficient, cost-effective, and data-driven. It streamlines the entire procurement process, from vendor selection to payment, reducing operational costs through automation and improved negotiation. Data analytics allow for informed decision-making, enhancing supplier collaboration and providing real-time visibility into supply chain activities. The integration of procurement systems with enterprise-wide software and the adoption of mobile procurement tools increase flexibility and control. Additionally, digital payment systems reduce reliance on paper and support environmental sustainability goals by reducing paper waste.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are often central to modern procurement operations. 

End-to-End Integration: ERP systems integrate various business functions, including procurement, into a single, cohesive platform. This integration allows for seamless data flow and real-time updates across departments, eliminating silos and reducing manual data entry.

Procurement Automation: ERP systems often include procurement modules that automate key procurement tasks, such as purchase requisitions, approvals, purchase orders and invoicing. This automation reduces manual labor, minimizes errors and accelerates the procurement cycle.

Supplier Management: ERP systems typically incorporate supplier management functionalities, allowing businesses to maintain supplier databases, track performance and manage relationships in a centralized manner. This automation improves supplier collaboration and reduces administrative overhead.

Inventory Management: ERP systems enable efficient inventory management by automating inventory tracking, reorder points and demand forecasting. This ensures that the right items are procured at the right time, preventing stockouts and excess inventory.

Financial Integration: ERP systems link procurement with financial processes. They automatically generate financial transactions when procurement activities occur, streamlining the payment process and supporting accurate financial reporting.

Payments Integration: ERP systems can be connected to accounting systems and payment APIs, enabling businesses to automatically initiate payments to suppliers when an invoice is approved.

Data Analytics: Many ERP systems include data analytics tools that provide insights into procurement spending, supplier performance and cost-saving opportunities. These insights help organizations make data-driven decisions and optimize their procurement strategies.

Compliance and Risk Management: ERP systems can automate compliance checks, ensuring that procurement activities adhere to regulatory requirements. Additionally, they help identify and mitigate supply chain risks by providing real-time visibility into supplier activities.

As ERP systems get smarter and more robustly integrated with other systems, the need increases for multichannel accessibility and data integration to support these systems-of-systems. Multichannel accessibility and data integration enhance flexibility, collaboration and real-time decision-making. The ability to access procurement systems from multiple devices and locations ensures that professionals can respond swiftly to changing conditions and make informed decisions on the fly. Data integration ensures data consistency across the organization, reducing errors and the need for manual data reconciliation. It offers a holistic view of the supply chain, aiding in process optimization and adaptation to market changes. Integrated data also reduces operational costs, facilitates compliance tracking and enhances risk management by providing a comprehensive view of supplier activities and transaction history. Overall, these elements together optimize procurement processes, making them more efficient and cost-effective for the buyer.

10 Myths About Digital Transformation


The Risks for Suppliers

Digital transformation in procurement can increase risks for suppliers by intensifying competition, increasing price transparency and shortening decision windows. Furthermore, digital transformation exposes suppliers to cybersecurity risks, and they may need to invest in security measures.

Digital procurement increases competition among suppliers by expanding the reach and accessibility of buyers to a broader supplier base. Online procurement platforms and marketplaces enable buyers to easily discover and connect with a more extensive pool of potential suppliers, often on a global scale. This increased visibility and accessibility mean that suppliers face heightened competition as they vie for the attention of potential buyers. With more suppliers offering similar products or services, buyers can compare offerings more easily, fostering a competitive environment where suppliers may need to differentiate themselves based on pricing, quality or other value-added factors to secure business.

Digital procurement also enhances price transparency by providing buyers with real-time access to pricing information and the ability to easily compare prices from multiple suppliers. When buyers have access to pricing information and can easily compare prices among multiple suppliers, suppliers may face increased pressure to offer competitive pricing. This can lead to potential margin compression, as suppliers may need to lower prices or offer more competitive deals to secure business.

Beyond competitive pricing, buyers are evolving to expect digital ordering, billing and payment processes; streamlined operations; and enhanced flexibility. Inadequate adaptation to digital procurement systems and automation can lead to operational inefficiencies, errors and loss of business opportunities. Insufficient responsiveness to customer demands for real-time information and quick order processing may result in dissatisfied clients and lost contracts. Without robust data analytics, suppliers risk misjudging market trends and customer preferences, potentially leading to inventory surplus or shortages. Moreover, inflexibility in contract terms and product customization can result in lost business to competitors who better align with evolving customer preferences, ultimately impacting suppliers’ market competitiveness and profitability.

Lastly, as buyers adopt digital procurement processes, suppliers need to juggle increased cybersecurity requirements in addition to existing physical security requirements. If a larger volume of sensitive data is exchanged between buyers and suppliers, the risk and potential consequence of data breaches also increases. As digital communication and transactions become more prevalent, cybercriminals may target both buyers and suppliers with phishing attacks and social engineering tactics and exploit vulnerabilities in the digital procurement process. In order to manage their risks, buyers are likely to impose specific cybersecurity and data protection requirements on their suppliers. Non-compliance with these requirements directly impacts suppliers by potentially resulting in the loss of business or legal consequences.

While digital transformation in enterprise procurement processes can increase risk for their suppliers, suppliers can mitigate these risks with their own strategic modernization. Suppliers must adapt to changing customer expectations by embracing digital transformation, streamlining operations and enhancing flexibility. This includes investing in digital procurement systems and automation to meet the demand for efficient and error-free transactions. Suppliers also need to provide real-time visibility into inventory and order status. Improved data analytics capabilities are crucial for gaining insights into customer behavior and market trends. Additionally, flexibility in contract terms, fulfillment options and product customization can help suppliers cater to evolving customer preferences. 

Minimizing Risk and Maximizing the Value in Digital Payments

Strategies for Suppliers

Suppliers can thrive in the digital era by embracing technology to enhance operational efficiency, investing in robust cybersecurity measures to protect against digital threats, adapting to changing customer expectations, and staying agile in a dynamic market. They should focus on data-driven decision-making, offering personalized and flexible solutions to meet the evolving needs of customers and maintaining compliance with digital procurement standards. Here are some specific examples:

Embrace Technology: Invest in digital procurement tools, automation and data analytics to streamline operations, reduce manual tasks and improve efficiency.

Cybersecurity Measures: Implement robust cybersecurity protocols to protect against data breaches and cyber threats, ensuring the safety of digital assets and customer data.

Adapt to Digital Customer Expectations: Understand and respond to evolving customer demands by offering digital ordering and communication channels, real-time tracking and efficient payment options.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Leverage data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, market trends and operational performance, allowing for informed, data-driven decisions.

Personalization: Tailor products or services to meet individual customer needs through data analysis and customer engagement, enhancing the customer experience and loyalty.

Efficient Inventory Management: Optimize inventory levels with real-time tracking and demand forecasting, reducing carrying costs and ensuring products are readily available.

Supply Chain Visibility: Invest in supply chain visibility tools to monitor the entire process, enhancing control and reducing disruptions.

Flexible Contract Terms: Offer flexibility in contract terms to accommodate customer preferences and adapt to market changes swiftly.

Innovation Culture: Foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement to stay ahead of the competition and seize new opportunities.

Compliance with Standards: Comply with customer cybersecurity and data protection standards to maintain business relationships and avoid legal issues.

It’s also important to remember that suppliers have suppliers, too. This means that anything enterprise buyers are doing to make their procurement processes more favorable to the buyer, suppliers can also apply to their own procurement processes to drive efficiencies. Consider price transparency as an example. Enterprise procurement teams are using price transparency to negotiate lower prices from their suppliers, but suppliers can leverage the same strategies to promote efficiency in the procurement process, thus reducing their own costs. Some savings can be passed on to the buyer, but suppliers also need to strike a balance between offering competitive prices to win business and maintaining healthy profit margins to sustain their operations and continued investment in modernization.

Embedded or automated payments play a crucial role in the digital procurement landscape by enhancing the efficiency and security of financial transactions between suppliers and buyers. These systems streamline the payment process and reduce manual invoicing and payment cycles, which is essential for operational efficiency. Moreover, automated payment systems, often integrated with digital procurement platforms, provide a higher level of security, which reduces the risk of fraudulent transactions and errors. By enabling seamless, secure and quick financial interactions, embedded or automated payments align with broader digital transformation efforts. They make financial transactions a seamless part of the digital procurement process and support suppliers in managing their cash flow and reducing payment-related risks.

Data analytics and customer-centric approaches can also be powerful tools for reducing supplier risk and driving success in the digital procurement era. By analyzing data, suppliers gain insights into customer behavior, market trends and operational performance, enabling them to make informed, data-driven decisions. This minimizes risks associated with inaccurate forecasting, overstocking or understocking inventory. Additionally, customer-centric approaches, such as personalized offerings and responsive communication, enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, reducing the risk of losing clients to competitors. By staying closely aligned with customer expectations and using data-driven strategies, suppliers can not only mitigate risks but also thrive in the dynamic and competitive digital procurement landscape.

As suppliers embrace their own digital transformation, they risk loss of control over their digital presence, exposure to changes in platform terms and reliance on a single channel. To mitigate these risks, suppliers should diversify their digital presence across multiple platforms, reducing dependency on a single entity. Additionally, suppliers should maintain their own digital assets, such as a company website, to retain control and customer relationships independently. Staying informed about platform terms and conditions and actively engaging with platforms to negotiate favorable terms can also help suppliers minimize potential risks while maximizing the benefits of digital platforms for their business. Additionally, digital skill development empowers suppliers to navigate and manage various digital platforms effectively, reducing the risks associated with platform dependence through greater control and adaptability.

Embracing Digital Transformation

Embracing digital transformation is critical for suppliers to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving market. This shift has fundamentally changed the landscape of enterprise procurement, introducing automation, data analytics and real-time communication to drive efficiency and informed decision-making. However, it’s important to acknowledge that this transformation also brings cybersecurity and competition risks for suppliers.

To navigate this landscape successfully, suppliers must take proactive steps. They have to invest in robust cybersecurity measures, adopt cutting-edge technology and embrace customer-centric approaches to mitigate risks and stay competitive. By leveraging data analytics, suppliers make smarter decisions and tailor solutions to meet individual customer needs. This not only optimizes inventory management but also fosters a culture of innovation.

Proactivity is key. It allows suppliers to be ahead of the curve, identifying and addressing potential risks before they escalate. A forward-thinking approach enables suppliers to swiftly adapt to shifting customer expectations. Armed with data-driven insights, they can provide tailored solutions and maintain a competitive edge in the digital procurement landscape. Given that many legacy suppliers face similar challenges, those who successfully adapt to digital procurement have a unique opportunity to outpace complacent competitors.

Digital Transformation in Payments

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