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Payment Methods

Standard ACH
Standard processing times.

Same Day ACH
Expedite your payments.

Instant Payments
Transfers in near real-time.


Real-time notifications.

Correlation IDs
Tracking transactions and reconciling bank records.

Addenda Records
Additional transaction information, like a note or memo.


Open Banking Services
Instant account verification, balance checks and fraud mitigation.

Digital interactions result in unique identifiers.

Bank Verification
Smoother, safer, more efficient transactions.

Secure Exchange Solution
Securely exchange data with trusted partners.


Sandbox Environment
Simulate use cases and try out features.

Dedicated Support
Supporting your payments journey.


Fintech Impact: Dwolla Revisited with Dave Glaser


00:33  Dwolla as a leader in B2B enterprise account-to-account payments
02:25  Dwolla's strategic shift
05:36  Global account-to-account processing
11:25  ACH and money movement
13:36  Digital Transformation in Payments

In this episode of Fintech Impact, host Jason Pereira interviews Dave Glaser, the CEO of Dwolla, a leading digital payment solution that empowers third parties to offer streamlined and unified payment processing services. Dwolla's innovative platform facilitates efficient and secure digital transactions, revolutionizing the way businesses handle payments.

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